VOTE [1]

Stefan Vogel

Independent for Hobart

Thanks to all those supported me in the House of Assembly election

With the encouragement of many I am moving forward to contest the Legislative Council in the seat for Hobart

Strong economic growth combined with the highest level of environmental stewardship

Open conversations and statewide collaboration

As an Independent MP I will work across party lines to achieve balanced decisions that represent and benefit all residents of Clark

leadership with integrity

Competent, Reliable, Approachable and Supportive


I am a senior scientist, carpenter, small business owner, innovator and parent with a background in psychology, counselling and law.

Originally from Germany, I have worked over the course of 38 years in the manufacturing industry, tourism, education, government and academia from Europe via Antarctica and the USA to Australia. Accepting a position with the Australian Antarctic Division I decided in 2011 to settle and make southern Tasmania my permanent home.

While I do have 30+ years of work experience, I am young at heart, innovative and full of ‘fresh out of the box’ ideas.

Over the past three years, I have taken parental leave and focused my life as a single parent on providing my son with the love and care he deserves and among other things, organising two parenting groups, volunteering for Mental Health Family and Friends Tasmania and facilitating a suicide prevention group for Parents Beyond Breakup.

I am a strong supporter of small businesses, a lover of the Arts and a keen outdoor person.

I believe that we can combine strong economic growth with environmental stewardship protecting our most valuable asset the beautiful natural environment of Tasmania for the benefit of all.
With my international experience, I am impressed by so many young innovators driving small business development (food trucks, smart technology, markets, yoga and arts to name a few) and the number of small corner stores, something which has become very rare in other parts of this world. This makes the Clark electorate a very unique, charming and lovable place.

I am proud to now call the electorate of Clark my home. Tasmania and the electorate of Clark has amazing intelligent people, who are passionate about their home state and love their city, providing all the ingredients for a prosperous future.

I am very interested in fostering the economic growth across Tasmania and specifically the Clark electorate - the wider Hobart area and Southern Tasmania. I do believe that this can be done and needs to be done Sustainably with environmental responsibility, reducing all, the impact on its residents and the natural environment.
A few things that I enjoy in my “free” time:
Outdoor activities, gardening, volunteering for a good cause, renovating my house, working on science instrumentation, photography. I also love to cook and share a meal over a nice glass of red wine and good conversations with friends. Last but not least, listening to music and checking out the latest art exhibitions as well as attending our amazing festivals rain or shine.


12 April 2024 - Candidate for Hobart - Legislative Council Election

24 March 2024 - Thanks to all who voted for me in the House of Assembly election and the encouraging words to continue - Legislative Council election in the seat of Hobart on 4 May 2024 is next.

18 March 2024 - Updated Key Challenge and other Issues section with thoughts on UTAS, AFL, light rail, ferry services, salmon farming, native forest logging, Takayna and World Heritage.